Shipping Screen

These Preferences set default options for the Shipment Editor when shipping Parcel shipments.

Default Tree View

This option defines the initial view in the Shipment Editor that is shown when you create a new shipment. You can choose from:
  • Shipment Overview: This view is the default view. It shows all the sections of the shipment in their concise form.
  • First Order/Package/or Line Item: This view shows the expanded first order, package, or line item.
  • Line Item View: This view shows the shipment based on line items.
  • Order View: When importing a source interface order, this view shows the shipment based on the order. If the shipment has no order, the description will read, “No Order.”
  • Packaging View: This view shows the shipment based on packaging. It displays the tracking number, package options, and shipping charges.
  • Transportation View: This view expands the Transportation section of the shipment.

Default Item Text

This option allows you to set how the item text will appear in the Shipment Editor. You can choose between the
  • item description or item number, accompanied by the unit of measure;
  • group name accompanied by the item number and unit of measure
  • item number with the unit of measure and Extra Key

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