3PL Information

The following information can be added/modified for 3PL providers, either by clicking the Edit button for an existing 3PL or adding a new 3PL.


You cannot change the main company and address information for Freightquote.


Type in a unique ID for the 3PL company.
Address Information
Type in the address and contact information for this 3PL company. Blue field headings indicate required fields.
Phone Number/Fax Number
Enter the 3PL company phone and fax information. Limited to 10 characters each, with a phone extension of up to 5 digits.

Add 3PL



This tab shows the carrier interface/account – carrier combinations that will use the currently selected 3PL as the default prepaid billing type. You can also set this up for manually processed shipments.

3PL details


Using the Add button, first select the Carrier Interface, and then select each carrier you want to include under that account.


See also

How to Import Data