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  4. Aptean Pack & Ship: Charge Type

Aptean Pack & Ship: Charge Type

The Charge Type is set up in Aptean Ship Setup. You can select from one of three Charge Types. Here is an explanation of those charge types.

  • List Charges: These are the standard published charges from the carrier (Parcel only).
  • Contract Charges: These are the carrier charges based on your contract (including any of your discounts).
  • Applied Charges: These are the Contract charges, modified by freight rules or handling charges.

Aptean Ship Setup for Charge Type

Most users would want to select “Applied Charges” for the Charge Type, because that selection can contain any freight rules that are set up in your Aptean Ship tenant.

Freight rules give you the ability to define charges, and the way that freight and other charges are applied to shipments. Aptean Ship can use freight rules to take your list or contract charges and modify them to create a charge based on field values from the shipment, or user-defined values. This allows you to define precise, customized rules at the package or shipment level.

More Information

See Freight Rules for additional details.