Dashboard Overview

Views are the overall configuration of widgets, their position, size, and state. Users can save Views in order to quickly restore a specific workspace setup. Saved Views can also be shared among users.

First Time Login

The first time you log in to the Dashboard, you’ll receive a prompt asking if you want to install the default Views. These default Views are widget combinations commonly used by Aptean Ship users. You can add to them or change them once installed. If you choose to use the default Views, they are loaded onto the screen.

If you choose not to install the default Views, you will start off with a default blank page named View1, which can be renamed to whatever name you like. Then you would add the table, chart or map widgets that you want to use for this View.

Default Views

These widget configurations have been created by V-Technologies from the most used scenarios our users need.


This View gives you an overview of shipping totals and includes the following charts:

  • Total Shipments
  • Total Orders
  • Total Packages
  • Total Costs
History & Status

History & Status allows users to access a snapshot of processed shipments by date range or specific filters. Users can drill down within the widgets to view associated shipment detail, perform tracking, view email notifications, and more.

History & Status widgets include:

  • Shipment History
  • Shipped/Voided Packages
  • Late Deliveries
  • Declared Value

All widgets in this category display in a grid view, which you can modify and save.

More Information

More information about History & Status.

Performance Indicators

These charts offer a graphical view of shipping performance for a specified time period. Detailed information is readily available by clicking on Chart components. The default Performance Indicators View includes charts of shipments by:

  • Carrier
  • Status
  • Mode
  • Shipper (user)
  • Location
  • Delivery Status
Top Statistics

This View generates bar graphs showing Top 5 statistics based on shipment volume. Default Views gives you:

  • Top 5 Customers
  • Top 5 Users
  • Top 5 Carriers
  • Top 5 Services

The default Views installs one map, Customers by Location.