Template Designer

You can view, edit, and add eNotify templates from the eNotify > Templates page.

Template Grid

eNotify templates are organized in a grid that displays basic information about the template, such as if there are images or attachments, the trigger, schedule, etc. You can click on a template to expand more information.

System Templates

Aptean Ship comes with a set of sample templates called “system templates”. These templates can’t be altered but you can edit them, and “Save As” a different template name.

Update Notification (Freight and Parcel)

An email with updated information is sent to the recipient when a shipment is modified. The Freight template includes the BOL and Packing List as attachments.

Ship Notification (Freight and Parcel)

An email is sent to the recipient when a shipment is processed. The Freight template includes the BOL and Packing List as attachments.

Delete Notification

An email is sent to the recipient when a shipment is canceled.

New Template

You can design and save your own templates using the Template Designer. Click the New Template button.

Then, enter a name for the template and configure its properties.

Edit Template

You can edit an existing template by clicking the Edit button in the same row. This will open the template in Edit mode. For system templates, you can edit the template but must “Save As” a different template name.

Click Edit

Template Properties

Template Properties allows you to configure how and when emails that use the template are sent by Aptean Ship. You can access a template’s properties by clicking the Properties button in its row. For more information, see Template Properties.


How to enable a template

You can enable a template from the templates grid by clicking the properties button and checking the “Enabled and triggered when” check box.


A ‘To’ address must be specified when enabling a template. If you attempt to enable a template that does not have a ‘To’ address, the template will be saved but will remain disabled.