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Printing By License Plate Number

This feature is perfect for users who want to process packages by License Plate Number without printing the shipping labels right away. With Aptean Ship, you can print the labels and/or shipping documents later by scanning the License Plate Number.

Let’s say you want to batch process shipments and then print the labels at the end of the day. All you have to do is scan a barcode of the License Plate Number on a package to print the corresponding label.

To print out a label or other document for a previously processed package by entering or scanning a License Plate Number, click Rate/Ship on the top menu and then Shipments on the side menu.

You can print via License Plate Number on either the Shipments page or the Packages page.


Click the Shipments heading. Locate the Print Via License Plate printer icon.

Print by License Plate Number


Click the Packages heading. Locate the Print Via License Plate printer icon.

Print by License Plate Number


After clicking the printer icon, a dialog pops up where  you can enter or scan the License Plate Number to bring up the package.

Enter or scan the License Plate Number

This will bring up the package or shipment.

The package or shipment is retrieved

Select the quantity of documents to print. You can choose to print all shipping documents or use the printer icon to print a specific document.

Click the printer icon to print a specific document.

Auto Mode

In Auto Mode, as soon as you hit Enter, Aptean Ship will automatically print the corresponding package label and/or shipping documents.