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  4. Process a Parcel Shipment

Process a Parcel Shipment

This topic covers general information for processing a Parcel shipment.

Click the Rate/Ship button on the toolbar to get documents screen. You can select a source document to ship against and click Create Shipment. If you’re not shipping an order or other source document, just click the Create Shipment button to start a shipment.

Select the Source Document

The documents grid on the Documents page allows you to select from a list of source documents, based on filters and search results.


Browsing or searching for source documents may be disabled if the “Disable Search of Source Documents” setting is checked under your Source Interface options. A message will appear telling you that search is disabled for documents if this is the case. See Search for more information.

Select the document from the grid:

Create the Shipment

Click the Create Shipment button to launch the new shipment.

On the new shipment page, any areas of the shipment that have incomplete information or an issue will be highlighted in red.

Red items need modification


You can hover over the section’s icon to view a more detailed message about what’s missing or what needs to be corrected. Then, click on the pencil icon to expand the area.


Different sections of the Ship screen may have more specific information about the error when expanded. Here’s another example using Line Items:


For Line Items, Packages, Pallets, and Orders, you will see a red indicator on any specific items that have issues.


When you are done with a section, click the check mark to accept the changes.


Packaging Notes

Repeat Packages

To duplicate a package, in the Packaging section, click the “Repeat Package” button on the line of the package you want to copy. You can repeat packaging for both Parcel and Freight shipments.

In the Repeat Package window, specify the number of times to repeat the package. You can also copy the weight of the original package.


When you’re ready to process the shipment, click the Ship/Process button. This will tender the shipment to the carrier. If you have write-back enabled for a source interface, the shipment information will be written back to the source.