• Spee-Dee 2 Shipping

    Spee-Dee Delivery is a regional carrier offering competitive rates for the north-central states. Spee-Dee 2 option in Aptean Ship only supports Ground service, no Metro, and Shipment Weight services like Spee-Dee. You can easily switch them by account. The rate, label, and manifest reports are all generated from the Spee-Dee…

  • Spee-Dee 2 Fuel Surcharge

    This page shows the current fuel surcharge and the active dates. Aptean Ship provides a checkbox to override the fuel surcharge, allowing you to enter a custom surcharge percentage. Click Save to save any changes you make.

  • Spee-Dee 2 Settings

    Reference fields allow the recipient to track incoming packages using a reference field (such as the PO#) along with the ship date, your shipper number, or other information that may not usually appear in the package details. Aptean Ship supports 2 Reference fields at the package level. Specify the shipment…

  • Spee-Dee 2 Account Setup

    Spee-Dee 2 stands for the NEW Spee-Dee API. The Setup and Shipping works similarly to the Spee-Dee, but rating, shipping, and getting manifest are all done via the new Spee-Dee API. It still provides small parcel shipments to Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Illinois, and the St….

  • Amazon SP Setup

    Aptean Ship allows you to connect to your Selling Partner account to ship Amazon Marketplace orders, and writes shipment and/or tracking information back to Amazon. Follow this procedure to integrate Aptean Ship with your Selling Partner account: In Aptean Ship, go to Setup > Source Interface > eCommerce. Click the…

  • Amazon SP Overview

    Amazon Selling Partner API (SP-API) is the new API that will replace the legacy Amazon MWS API. Amazon SP offers many design, performance, and security improvements over Amazon MWS. Whether you are migrating from Amazon MWS or are a new user, you will need to register for an Amazon Selling…

  • Amazon Direct Fulfillment

    Amazon Direct Fulfillment and Amazon Transportation This integration enables Amazon Transportation (AT) ship methods in addition to the carriers that are already assigned to a Direct Fulfillment (DF) vendor.  The AT shipping label will be printed as a result.  Note: the current integration supports 1 label per order. Prerequisites: Amazon…

  • eNotify Setup

    Sender Email Setup If the Sender email address you are using in eNotify is different that the primary Amazon Seller Account email address, you need to add it to the Approved Sender List in Amazon in order to be able to send ship notifications to buyers. Log in to Amazon…

  • Aptean Ship Setup

    To ship your Amazon Orders, connect your Amazon company to Aptean Ship  by providing the credentials from Amazon MWS Setup. You can add one or multiple accounts to ship against; however, you cannot use the same Seller ID for more than one company in a Aptean Ship Location. (The same…

  • Amazon MWS Setup

    In order to use Aptean Ship with the Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS), you first need to authorize access to the selling account so that Aptean Ship can import your Amazon Orders. Set Up Amazon MWS In your web browser, go to Amazon Seller Central and log in to…