FedEx Freight Setup

Your FedEx Freight account is based on one FedEx Parcel account, for which you’ll get a meter number during the setup process. You’ll use that meter number when you then enter the details for the FedEx Freight account, so the two accounts are linked. Your FedEx account representative should let you know the Parcel account number that contains the freight shipping functionality, as well as the FedEx Freight account number.

Add the FedEx Freight Account

  1. In Aptean Ship, select Setup > Carrier Interfaces > FedEx Freight.
  2. Select the Accounts heading and click the New Account button.
  3. Enter the FedEx account information.
    • Account Name: Enter a unique name to identify this account in Aptean Ship.
    • Account Number: Enter the FedEx Freight account number.
    • Parcel Account: This is the associated FedEx parcel account.
  4. Next, follow the on-screen instructions to accept or modify the account Billing Address information.
  5. Do the same for the Shipping Address.
  6. Configure Billing Settings.
    • Tendering Type: The choices are Call, Electronic, or Daily Pickup. Aptean Ship will only send a pickup request to FedEx when Electronic is selected. For the Call or Daily Pickup options, you must contact the carrier directly.
    • Enable Prepaid: Check to enable a default Prepaid Billing Type.
    • Default Prepaid Billing Type: This is the default Billing Type for shipments that are paid for by the shipper. You can select from Sender or any other 3PL that you set up in Maintain > 3PL. These settings affect the options available for Billing in the Transportation section of the Shipment Editor.
  7. Check the Req. Shipment Pickup option if you want Aptean Ship to automatically send a pickup request to FedEx when a shipment is processed.
  8. Click the Finish button to complete FedEx Freight account setup.