FedEx Account Setup

The Accounts tab displays any FedEx accounts defined by your registration key, and their Meter #s (if the account is already set up). The default account is indicated by a check mark in the Default column.

You can click on an account for a drop-down of more information, such as the Meter # and address information.

To set up an account that does not have a Meter # yet, select the FedEx account from the Accounts grid and click the Edit button to launch the setup dialog. Once setup is complete, Aptean Ship sends a request for the FedEx Meter Number.

FedEx Account Setup


Under the Account Name, you can enter a unique name to identify this account in Aptean Ship. This is the name you’ll see when selecting the account while shipping in the Shipment Editor.

Billing Address

Next, enter the account information (billing address). You can type in a new address or select an Address ID you added in Setup > Company.


For FedEx Ground email notification, an email address must be specified for the sender account.

Shipping Address

On the Shipping Address screen, enter the shipper information. If the Shipping address is the same as the Billing address, check the Same as Billing Address check box.


These settings are configured by account and accessible when you edit the account on the Accounts page in FedEx Setup.

Account Time Zone

Set the time zone where this account is located in order to allow the account to synchronize with FedEx processing of shipments on their servers. Shipments for the account will be automatically posted at 4 a.m. in the account’s local time based on the time zone selected in this field.

FedEx Ground Economy Setup

Ground Economy must be set up for each account that will be using it. You will only see Ground Economy as a Service on the Ship screen if the account is enabled for it.

This account has been configured by the carrier to support FedEx Ground Economy

Select the services supported for your account. Available services are:

  • FedEx SmartPost Media
  • FedEx SmartPost Parcel Select
  • FedEx SmartPost Bound Printed Matter
  • FedEx SmartPost Parcel Select Lightweight

This account has been configured by the carrier to support FedEx Ground Economy Returns

Check this box if your account supports Ground Economy return shipments.

Hub ID

Select the hub you will be using from Hub ID drop-down list.


These settings apply to International shipments.

Request FedEx Electronic Trade Documents for applicable shipments

Select the documents that you want FedEx to submit to the government electronically. FedEx will return a copy of the documents for printing. Documents that are not checked will not be submitted by FedEx.

FedEx account ETD settings override printer settings if any ETDs are selected and the shipment requires one of these documents. FedEx will not return documents that are not checked so you cannot print them even if they are enabled under Printing Profiles. If one or more documents are checked in FedEx settings, then the FedEx settings take precedence as far as what can be printed (either automatically On Ship or On End of Day, or later from Shipment History).

For example: If you only check the Commercial Invoice in FedEx settings, but both Commercial Invoice and Certificate of Origin documents are enabled under the Printing Profile, only the Commercial Invoice will be available for printing from Aptean Ship.

If you do not want to use ETDs but still want to print and send the documents yourself, do not check any documents here; instead, enable the documents in Manage Documents and check the Auto-Print option for those documents. If you do not check any documents on this dialog, a copy of ETDs you enable in Printing setup will be returned for printing and will print when the shipment is processed (if you have Auto-Print: On Ship checked). You can also print these documents later by opening the shipment and printing shipment documents.To only submit electronically and not print the documents, do not enable these documents here.

More Information

The setting, “Request FedEx Electronic Trade Documents,” on the International tab can override FedEx settings. When ETDs are set up, this check box is automatically checked by default. You can uncheck it on a per shipment basis if you do not want to submit ETDs for a certain shipment. When you uncheck this option but have ETDs enabled in printing setup, you can still print the documents and submit them manually.This check box may be automatically disabled by Aptean Ship if you are shipping to a country that does not accept ETDs. There is a list of where you can ship with ETDs on the FedEx website.

Mask account numbers for International Air Waybills

You can choose to have account numbers masked on the shipping label for security purposes. Note that the account numbers will print on FedEx Air Waybill copies used by operations and customs clearance. Choices are:

  • Do not mask
  • mask Transportation/Costs Account
  • mask Duties/Taxes Account
  • mask both
Select Images

Aptean Ship can submit your company’s header and signature to FedEx to use for ETDs. You can select up to 5 images for each FedEx account, from any images you previously added in Setup > Company.

See Images for more information.

FedEx Export AgentFile Communication Settings

The FedEx Export AgentFile® authorizes FedEx (by email, or through phone or fax) to file an EEI on your behalf. A filing fee and certain limitations apply. Select the communication method and then provide the contact information.

FedEx International Priority DirectDistribution Settings

This account has been configured by the carrier to support FedEx International DirectDistribution

Enable this setting if you have set up this contract service with FedEx. Click the Add button to add the distribution facility information.

This account has been configured by the carrier to support FedEx International Ground Distribution

Enable this setting if you have already set up this contract service with FedEx. Click the Add button to add the distribution facility information.


Dimensional Weight

For each FedEx service, you can enter custom dimensional weight divisors that are used to calculate the billed weight. When billed weight is not returned by FedEx rating, the dimensional weight factors below will be used to calculate it. The factors default to list (published) values, but can be modified here to reflect contract rates. This will not affect the charges, only the billed weight that shows on-screen. So, for example, If you have any freight rules that use the billed weight field, it will be updated so that freight rules work correctly.

Use the Revert to Defaults button to reset values to the original defaults.