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More About User Definable Fields

Aptean Ship allows you to create User Definable fields at the Item, Order, Packaging, Pallet and Shipment levels. User Definable fields can be mapped to source interface fields in order to import whatever custom field data you wish. You can also use User Definable fields in freight rules, ship via rules, and more.

User Definable Field customization is accessible from Setup > User Definable Fields. No User Definable fields are created by default; however, you can add as many User Definable fields as needed.

Finding User Definable Fields

This section explains where you can find and use Aptean Ship User Definable fields.

Line Item User Definable Fields

These fields display in the Line Item section in the Ship screen, and on the User Fields section for an item in Maintain > Inventory. If mapped to the source interface, they can be populated by documents that support line item level information. They can also be mapped to a fixed value.

See Also

Inventory Items

Order User Definable Fields

These fields display in the Order section of the Ship screen when shipping against a source document.

Pack User Definable Fields

These fields are accessible in the Packaging section, by clicking the User Fields button.
Packaging User Definable fields may also be mapped to source interface documents that do not support package level information, such as customers.

Pallet User Definable Fields

Pallet fields are only available when shipping with Freight carriers. These fields display in the Packaging section.

Shipment User Definable Fields

These fields are accessible from the Shipment tab in the Transportation section, by clicking the User Fields button.

Other Uses for User Definable Fields

In addition to the locations above, User Definable fields can be accessed and used
from the following components of Aptean Ship.

Customize Interface

Fields can be mapped to the source interface or a fixed value.


Fields can be used when defining custom write-back.

Freight Rules and Ship Via Rules

Fields can be used when building conditions for rules.


For Printing Profiles, fields can be used when defining printing conditions.


Fields can be used in Email Templates.

Shipment Defaults

Default values can be set for the User Definable fields.

Carrier Reference Fields

Can be used when defining Reference Fields for each carrier (if supported). See Setup > Carrier Interfaces for specific carrier information.

More Information

To customize or add User Definable fields, see Set Up User Definable Fields.