• Daylight Transport Shipping

    Daylight Transport supports LTL shipments to the USA (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) and Canada.

  • Navigating By License Plate Number

    For Freight shipments, Aptean Ship’s Print On Next feature allows you to process packages in a shipment using License Plate numbers.

  • UPS® Simple Rate

    UPS® Simple Rate lets you use your own packaging to ship to anywhere in the U.S. for a flat rate.

  • Print On Next

    “Print on Next” is a Aptean Ship feature that prints out a label for each package as you click “Next” to move to the next package in a Parcel shipment.

  • Freightview Shipping

    Multi-carrier rating, tendering, tracking and pickup requests for LTL shipments.

  • Freightview Account Settings

    After setting up your Freightview account(s), you can access Account Settings for each account from the Accounts page.

  • Freightview Setup

    Set up your Freightview account in Aptean Ship. Requires a Freightview subscription.